Neurodivergent Expert Witness & Workplace Consultant


Neurodivergent Expert Witness

Dr. Culbreath has over 17 years as a special education expert with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Her consulting services include school district reviews, litigation consultation, and professional workshops. She have assisted in cases of school determination, special education hearings, educational neglect, and malpractice. and have practical experience that includes assistance for those with the following:

  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Multiple disabilities
  • Intellectual disability
  • Deaf-blindness
  • Developmental delay
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Specific learning disability
  • Other health impairment(s)

Neurodivergent Workplace Consultant

We Care Support Services is happy to announce new services to our clients and community. Our aim is to create neuro-inclusive workplaces across the United States of America. Our education and training enhance understanding, challenge misconceptions, and build organizational capacity to create inclusive hiring and management practices. We deliver specialist neurodiversity at work awareness workshops and training sessions that will meet your learning objectives. Our education and awareness services include:

  • Neurodiversity at Work Awareness Training
  • Autism and ADHD in the workplace for Managers
  • Autism and ADHD in the workplace for People and Culture and DE&I teams
  • Designing an Inclusive Recruitment Processes
  • Effective Practical Assessments
  • “You Can Ask That”
  • Leadership Training for Neurodivergent Managers
  • Supporting Autistic and Neurodivergent Employees to Thrive
Our Neurodiversity Consultancy services help inclusive organizations to understand:
  • The benefits of having a neurodiverse workforce.
  • It is important to create an inclusive culture and signpost employees to appropriate support.
  • What support can be provided, and how can this maximize the potential of neurodivergent employees?
  • How can they make their recruitment process more inclusive and attractive to neurodiverse talent?
  • What typical strengths do neurodivergent employees have?
We also provide specialist advice and guidance to organizations to help them build an internal process of support for their neurodivergent employees. Effectively supporting neurodivergent employees can create a more inclusive working environment that is accommodating and accessible to those who are neurodivergent.